NFT in combat
Each faction will have 15 different combat characters. These 15 combat characters belong to 5 different professions and correspond to the elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. The battle character NFT officially sold and bestowed by the divine NFT will only have elementary occupations. Intermediate and advanced occupation characters need to be obtained by players by synthesizing two elementary battle NFT.
Each combat character NFT will have a static painting and a dynamic 2D combat posture.
The combat character NFT will have the following two functions:
In battle, use the battle character NFT to form a team of 3-5 battle NFTs to directly engage in PVP and PVE battles to obtain token rewards.
Synthesis, the synthesis will consume two combat character NFTs to forge a new possible higher tier combat character NFT.
Combat NFT's combat ability and may evolve into a more powerful advanced combat role NFT.
Five composable and two immutable characteristics and four skill slots make up the Combat NFT. Players can synthesize to enhance combat NFT’s characteristics and match more relevant skills to improve combat NFT’s combat abilities to get an advantage in battle.

Attributes that can be changed:
HP: Combat NFT health, utilized to accept damage; combat ability will be lost if combat NFT health drops to 0.
ATK: The combat NFT’s attack power influences the combat NFT’s ability to deliver damage.
SPD: Combat NFT speed; the higher the speed, the higher the order of the shot in a turn, and two dodge points for 1 point of speed.
Combat NFT skill (TEC). Per skill point, you get 3 hits and 1 crit.
DEF: The battle NFT’s defense, which affects how well it can withstand damage.
Property that cannot be changed:
MOVE: Determines how far a combat NFT may move based on the race and Class of the NFT.
Attack Range: defines the range within which fighting NFT may attack, based on the race and Class of the fighting NFT.
Skill: Players will pick from hundreds of talents to create their own battle NFT troops.
Reveal and synthesize details:
Each god card contains three or four different sorts of combat cards that may be tapped, and you must pick which type of combat card you wish to cast each time you tap.
As a result of the adjustments, the player will obtain a new battle card NFT after casting the spell. This battle card NFT will have a set stat and inherit the powers of this god card, depending on the type chosen by the player.
Gods NFT will undergo a 48-hour cooling period after casting, during which it will not be cast again.
Both participants must be of the same generation — Synthesis necessitates the use of both WP and MGA
The combined units’ efficacy will be considerably enhanced.
Base composition rules

When two combat card NFTs are merged, the resultant battle card NFT’s Generation is increased by one. The NFT will no longer be coupled with Generation 10.
Value of the attribute:
Where A is the fighting card A’s HP value and B is the fighting card B’s HP value, A∨B is to take the greater of the two, and if they’re the same, take A.
Where A is the corresponding attribute value of battle card A, and B is the corresponding attribute value of battle card B, A∨B is to take the bigger of the two, and if they are equal, A is to take the smaller of the two.
MOVE: no change
class up: The property is appended by the formula when a class up upgrade happens.:
ATK,SPD,TEC,DEF:Corresponding properties /(1+generation)
Skill inheritance :(skill count on battle card A + skill count on battle card B) /2+0.5
The integer skill must appear in the composite result if the value is an integer. If the value is not an integer, the outcome is that each of the two integers closest to the value has a 50% chance of displaying each skill of the number. If A has three skills and B has three skills, the skill inheritance value is (3+3) /2+0.5=3.5, and the number of skills created in the new battle card has a 50/50 chance of being three or four.

When Battle Card A and Battle Card B both have the same talent, that skill must be passed down to them. Other skills have the same chance of being drawn. There are no talents that both don’t have and no skills that are identical in skill inheritance. If the skill of combat card A is 1.2.3 and the skill of battle card B is 2.4.5, there must be one skill 2 when the number of newly created skills is 3. When the skill for the second slot is chosen, each skill in has a 25% chance of being chosen. When the third position’s talent is chosen, the other three skills will have a 33% probability.
Homogeneity and order synthesis

Homosynthesis means that the player’s two battle cards synthesize the same Profession and the same Class. New combat cards generated in this case:
70% chance of retaining Profession and Class, Generation +1
There’s a 30% chance that we’ll keep Profession, Class+1, Generation +1
When the entry is at its maximum:
With a 100% chance of retaining Profession and Class, Generation +1
The same synthetic
Two combat cards, A and B, have the same Profession but different classes. New combat cards generated in this case:
There is a 90% chance of retaining the same Profession and the higher Class of A and B, with Generation +1
There is a 10% chance of retaining the same Profession, with the higher Class of Profession A +1 and Generation +1
When A or B has reached the highest rank:
There is a 100% chance of retaining the same Profession and the higher Class in A and B, with Generation +1
Heterogeneous synthetic
Xenosynthesis means that the two combat cards, A and B, have different professions. New combat cards generated in this case:
A has a 50% chance of inheriting A’s Profession, Class, MOVE, Attribute, and Generation +1
B has a 50% chance of inheriting B’s Profession, Class, MOVE, Attribute, and Generation +1

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